The Business Value of

Medication Adherence

• Employers benefit from improving medication adherence among workers with chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and depression
• Health benefit program investments are wasted when people don’t take the medications prescribed by their doctor
• This unique tool estimates the productivity impact of improved medication adherence

Research shows that chronically ill patients who take their prescribed medications have a lower risk of adverse health outcomes, costly healthcare services, and mortality.

IBI has created a unique tool to help employers estimate not only health care savings, but also the missing value that can be recouped by reducing lost productivity.

The calculator is easy to use, powered by an in-depth research review of literature linking medication adherence to productivity outcomes and by a supplemental review focusing on behavioral health factors. The tool undergoes periodic updates to reflect current healthcare costs and other factors, ensuring it remains a unique, relevant and valuable resource.

To get started, select a condition. You can use the default input values for a quick start, or adjust them to better reflect your workforce. See the video to the right for additional guidance.

Watch this brief video to learn how the Medication Adherence Calculator works

The Medication Adherence Savings Calculator

You must be logged in to run the Medication Adherence Savings Reports.