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Get the Watch Working: Integration Across Benefits Purchasing Health Promotion and Health Protection Infographic

To deepen understanding around employers’ thinking on integration, how their approach functions in practice and the consequences for employee health and business value, IBI conducted interviews with senior-level health officials from nine different employers. In each of the nine organizations, there were three basic functions related to integrated employee health investments: benefits purchasing, health promotion and health protection. This research found that in practice, these functions take place in separate business departments, often with very little joint activity or communication. When benefits purchasing, health promotion and health protection do not work together, workforce health is compromised and time, money and energy are wasted. Three ways to get teams working in sync: Build allies: Talk to other departments and get senior leaders involved in developing integrated strategies around employee health and wellbeing. Find common ground: Meet colleagues where they are and map workforce health to business performance. Hold each other accountable: Measure and review outcomes to track progress and make informed decisions. The report provides further details and guidance.
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