The Integrated Benefits Institute, is developing IBIBridge to help employers overcome barriers.
Employers often aren’t aware of the expertise available to help them more fully understand the complexity and dimensions of their issues nor of the market solutions that can support their interventions. In order to bring your expertise to employers, IBI has developed IBIBridge. This new platform will help you connect with employers that are looking for solutions and expertise on specific topics.
Your organization has the opportunity to put forth subject matter experts to engage directly with employers. IBI Solution Provider Members will have access to IBIBridge for a specified number subject matter expert accounts based on IBI Membership.
IBIBridge will connect employers to peers through a private technology platform developed by IBI to explore strategies, insights, experiences and solutions organized around the key issues that they have in common. Participating employers also will have access to direct responses to their most pressing questions from leading subject-matter experts from IBI’s broad solution-provider membership, spanning all parts of the health and productivity landscape.
How it works for subject matter experts:
- Each solution-provider member of IBI may register subject-matter experts (SMEs) to participate in the four issue areas of IBIBridge. Pending approval, they will be added to the subject-matter expert list.
- Discussions will take place in the employer portal. Many of these discussions will revolve around employers posing a question for discussion, which IBI staff will post to the SME forum for response. Responses will be posted to the employer discussion group but will not be observable by other SMEs to protect confidential and proprietary information.
- Employers may message any SME directly based on a response posted to the employer discussion forum or directly through the SME profile. Once an employer messages a SME, the identity of both individuals will become known to the other.
- To maximize insights from the discussion groups, IBI solution-provider members will receive quarterly reports on key topics and an annual report based on the employer discussions in each of the four issue areas. Depth of the report will be based on solution-provider membership level.